Head and Heart Consulting was built on the foundation that it takes both the Head (logical, rational, objective) and the Heart (empathy, care, psychological safety) for organizations to thrive and be effective. We believe that the workplace of today needs to support employees’ holistic well-being, provide opportunities for growth and development, and create a sense of purpose and belonging. In order to deliver on this, leaders in organizations need to have both the right mindset and frameworks in place. Training and education are the solutions we provide to ensure a competitive advantage.

We specialize in developing leaders at all levels and equipping them to drive transformation throughout the organization. From customized experiences for Senior Leadership to scalable development for front-line managers, our programs create powerful learning journeys and personalized solutions that lead to real behaviour change.

Meet Ema

I am an Organizational Development Professional and Leadership Training Expert with over 10 years of experience.
With a passion for designing, developing, and delivering impactful training programs, I have helped countless individuals and organizations enhance their leadership capabilities, emotional intelligence, change management skills, resilience, influencing skills, feedback delivery and coaching abilities. Through a deep understanding of human and organizational dynamics, I have developed a reputation for delivering customized solutions that cater to the unique needs of each client. Over the course of my career, I have gained a reputation for being a skilled communicator and facilitator, able to connect with participants and foster a psychological safe space that promotes an engaging learning environment. I believe that relationships are at the core of our success and as such I value the opportunity to build relationships with every client and every learner.

Meet Marisa

Hi, I'm Marisa, and I am a Certified Human Resources Professional with over 10 years of experience in the human resources field.
I have worked in both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations and have had success in leading with an empathetic, people-first mindset while driving results of the organization. Since first entering the workforce over 20 years ago, I have come to appreciate that your people are your greatest asset, and I truly believe that if you put your people first, they will take care of your business and clients.
Since beginning my journey as an HR professional, I have developed a passion for designing effective people-related strategies that support organizational objectives and promote employee fairness, engagement, and growth. My expertise spans all facets of human resources including employee relations, performance and talent management, engagement, culture, learning and development, total rewards, recruitment and onboarding, and workforce planning. My goal is to be a trusted partner to senior leaders on building policies and practices in line with relevant legislation, balancing both the goals of the organization and the needs of employees. My services include developing and providing guidance and feedback on people-related policies, practices, and programs, and are best utilized in an organization that does not currently have an HR team but is ready to take that next step.
*At this time, I am currently not accepting new clients, but I look forward to being of service in the near future.*


The learning workshops below are designed to meet the needs of individuals looking to learn the essential components of leadership. They are grounded on core leadership skills, abilities, and competencies to support individual, team, and organizational success.
Leader-focused workshops provide the basics required to meet the relationship aspects of being an effective leader, along with the knowledge and skills to support and lead effective teams to achieve desired business outcomes and strategic priorities. Individual contributor workshops will help employees develop the skills needed to make them invaluable assets to any team and organization.
Sessions may be offered individually, or multiple workshops can be combined to equip yourself or your team with the knowledge, tools, and resources that will elevate their leadership abilities to a new level within the organization. These sessions are customizable to your organization/team’s needs, and we are happy to connect to discuss.

Services include developing and providing guidance and feedback on all people-related policies, practices and programs. Best utilized in an organization that does not currently have an HR representative but is ready to take that next step.
Not accepting new clients at this time.
Target audience: Individual Contributor, People Leaders, High Potentials
Duration: 1 full day or 2 x 3 hrs sessions

By far, the most sought-after workshop for teams. Using Relationship Intelligence (RQ) allows teams to better understand one another and maximize team effectiveness, communication, engagement, and innovation.
Understanding Yourself and Others
To be an effective leader, you should study and learn about your best leadership tool – yourself. The Core Strengths 2.0© - Strengths Deployment Inventory (SDI) is an assessment tool widely used to gain self-awareness of one’s motivation, values, and behaviours. Grounded in Relationship Awareness Theory, the SDI 2.0© helps us understand the motives behind our behaviour and the behaviour of others. This awareness will allow us to communicate with intent, and in turn, build stronger relationships.
Managing Conflict Effectively
Conflict is a good thing! Using participant's individual results we seek to better understand how each person approaches conflict. We explore triggers to conflict and how your strengths are perceived by others and can affect your relationships. We will identify strategies to effectively manage and resolve conflict for ourselves and others.
Target audience: People Leaders
Duration: ½ day

Having the right mindset plays a significant role in how one approaches leadership. Mindset can be defined as attitudes, beliefs, and expectations that act as the foundation of who we are, how we lead, and how we interact with others. It influences how we think about and interpret situations, our emotional reactions, and the decisions we make, and it also sets the tone for the kind of experiences we have. We will differentiate between what it means to be a manager vs a leader and will look at the different management functions that set you up for success.
Customization available. Let’s chat!

Target audience: People Leaders
Duration: ½ days

To be a successful leader, you must have a successful team. Team success is driven by how well a team works together and what kind of results they achieve. This session explores what a high-performing team looks like, and how to develop and set people up for success using the Situational Leadership II model. Through a blend of theory and practical applications, this workshop empowers individuals to navigate diverse scenarios, nurture team strengths, and optimize performance for sustained success.
Customization available. Let’s chat!​
Target audience: Individual Contributors, People Leaders
Duration: ½ day

People want to learn. The learning exchange requires feedback, without it, people will not deliver and perform at their highest potential. We will discuss and practice how to give feedback effectively by using the Situation, Behaviour, Impact (SBI) model. However, giving feedback is only half the equation. For feedback to be truly effective, the person getting feedback needs to know how to receive it. We will explore triggers that get in the way of us receiving feedback and develop strategies to make us more open to receiving feedback.
Customization available. Let’s chat!​

Target audience: Individual Contributors, People Leaders
Duration: ½ day

This session explores the differences between feedback and coaching emphasizing a structured and goal-oriented approach by using the GROW model. Through practical exercises and real-world applications, attendees will refine their coaching skills, promoting a culture of continuous improvement and achievement within their organizations. Focus is also placed on how to coach in the moment. In today’s fast-paced environment, it is important to leverage time with employees and turn them into teachable moments.
Customization available. Let’s chat!​
Target audience: Individual Contributors, People Leaders
Duration: ½ day

In this session, we reframe having a difficult conversation to having a learning conversation and getting parties to a place of mutual understanding to move forward. We explore assumptions vs facts, contributions vs blame, and intent vs impact. Participants will be empowered to address high-stakes conversations with confidence, ensuring that key messages are conveyed, and relationships are maintained.
Customization available. Let’s chat!​

Target audience: Individual Contributors, People Leaders
Duration: ½ day

Psychological safety is the belief that you will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes. In this session, we explore the leader’s role in creating and maintaining a psychologically safe environment. Participants will focus on creating strategies that can be implemented into day-to-day activities.
Customization available. Let’s chat!​
Target audience: People Leaders
Duration: ½ day

This session focuses on the transition aspect of change as opposed to the process or project side of change. We explore the concept that organizations do not change, people do, and we do not all experience change the same way. Leaders have a responsibility to guide each one of their employees through change. Using the change curve as a model and a tool to assess readiness, you will be introduced to the ADKAR methodology for moving people to a place of change sustainment. We explore the change management strategies to get you there: communication, training, and coaching.
Customization available. Let’s chat!​

Target audience: People Leaders, Individual Contributors
Duration: Full day or 2 - ½ days

Part 1
An introductory workshop that will focus on common definitions, language, and concepts of EDI. Some of the foundational concepts such as unconscious bias, intersectionality, privilege, and allyship.
Learning Objectives
Define and explore foundational concepts of EDI
Discuss how unconscious bias impacts decision making
Reframe the discourse from intent to impact
Explore strategies to apply allyship
Part 2
This workshop will introduce participants to the concept of microaggressions and how they affect individuals across different identities. Participants will explore the importance of addressing microaggressions and identify effective strategies for doing so.
Learning Objectives:
Differentiate between a microaggression and macroaggression
Examine strategies to employ in response to microaggressions
Practice strategies to interrupt microaggressions
Customization available. Let’s chat!​
Target audience: Individual Contributors, New leaders, High Potential Talent
Duration: 3 sessions of 3hrs each

This program helps build the foundation for success for your new leaders or yet-to-be formal leaders by allowing them to explore their personal approaches to leadership. Becoming a leader brings new challenges such as: learning to inspire others, collaborating with a team to get results, shifting perspective from self to team, and addressing team and individual performance. Addressing these common challenges early on allows you to build ready leaders who can successfully lead your teams to achieve results.
Session 1 – Develop & Understand Your Leadership Style
Learn about the different leadership styles
Identify your default leadership style and understand its pros and cons
Recognize when and why to use the different leadership styles
Create a personal development plan to enhance all styles
Session 2 – Lead Collaboratively
Recognize the differences between leading, managing, and being an individual contributor
Understand the characteristics of a high-performing team
Recognize, understand, and address barriers to team performance
Learn the skills necessary to be an effective communicator
Recognize the importance of trust and relationship building in effective leadership
Session 3 – Psychological Safety & Feedback
Learn about the importance of psychological safety in the workplace
Understand the pillars that support a psychologically safe work environment
Describe the importance of two-way feedback and how it supports psychological safety
Identify personal barriers to receiving feedback
Use the SBI model to provide effective feedback to motivate and correct performance
Customization available. Let’s chat!​